The Necronomicon - The Book Of Dead Names
El Hazzared - Edited by George Hay
ISBN: 1-871438-16-0
Kirjan takakannesta:
The Necronomicon gazes backwards into the abyss of time to the remnant of a potent and perilous magical inheritance, emanating from a past pre-human in its unfathomable antiquity.
Who or what were the lawful entities then wrestling for the possession of our planet? Why did they need to battle through the depths of space to reach the earth? And, after their apparent departure, what is their legacy to us?
The creation of The Necronomicon is usually credited to H.P. Lovecraft, but research has brought to light some unexpected and disconcerting suggestions that seem to lead in another direction. Not the least of these is a link across centuries between Lovecraft and the mysterious Elizabethan magus, John Dee. It become only too clear that Lovecraft should be regarded as the inventor of The Necronomicon, but rather its hapless discoverer.
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